Ella Knew Before We Did
Zoom Zoom
Yesterday the masterful DJ Miles Green served up a Zoom session that brought both hope and healing.
The theme of the day was optimism with music from mostly female artists to honor Women’s History Month.
Miles opened the set by saying, “We gotta get off this Zoom and get back together.”
Too right.
Interwoven with amazing rump-shaking throwback songs, from out of nowhere that singular voice of Ms. Ella Fitzgerald glided into the mix.
She sang the lyrics:
Zoom zoom zoom zoom
The world is in a mess
With politics and taxes
And people grinding axes
There’s no happiness
I almost came out of my chair. What did I just hear?
Wasn’t I lamenting Zoom fatigue just two days ago?
That’s right, friends. Ella knew it before we did.
Written by the Gershwin brothers, their recommendation from 1937 to slap that bass as a path to feeling better remains solid. And valid.
Slap that bass
Slap it till its dizzy
Slap that bass
Keep the rhythm busy
Zoom zoom zoom
Misery, you’ve got to go
So zoom zoom, my work-from-home weary friends.
Ella Fitzgerald — “Slap That Bass”
Find Karen at karenfayeth.com and all the socials: Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, Facebook